Reimagine Your Content and Social Sharing for Personal Name SEO

Your social profiles and the social sharing of career-related content should confirm your personal brand identity to others and provide support for personal name SEO.   Content has power for personal branding. The social sharing of curated or created content can: (1) show others what you are learning and thinking, (2) define your personal brand identity, […]

Future-Proof Your Personal Name SEO for Personal Branding & Job Search

Personal name SEO requires a personal name claim along with a complete and consistent use of your resume name, both on and off the web. “Call him Voldemort, Harry. Always use the proper name for things.” ~ J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. And, so should you always use the proper resume name for […]

Google Yourself for Personal Name SEO and Personal Branding

Is your resume name optimized for a Google search? If not, then you need to complete a personal name SEO audit.    I began my academic career with a middle E. By including my middle name initial on all my journal publications and conference presentations, I sought to distinguish myself from all the other Denny […]